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[ содержание ]

Importing and Using BSB Charts

For Registered copies only.

While it is simpler to be able to import the BSB Charts, it is possible, for those which cannot be imported, to calibrate the maps by hand using 3 Lat/Long points, 3 calibration points are usually adequate for an accurate calibration.

Importing a Single BSB Chart

Select the Import Map/Single BSB Chart Option on the File Menu.

Step 1 - Find the KAP file of the map you want to import.

You need to know the name of the KAP file (the image file) of the map you want to import. You will have to find out this name from the information supplied with the CD, I would assume.

Press the OK button and the software will allow you to navigate through your Disk Drives and Directories until you locate the file. The file would normally be located in the BSBCHART directory of the BSB CD. When you have located the file, select it by double clicking on the name or click on the name and press the Open button.

Step 2 - Specify the Name and Path of the OziExplorer Map file you want to create.

A default Map file name will be given based on information extracted from the KAP file. The name of the file can be changed but do not change the extension. Save the file.

Step 3 - The newly created Map will now be opened.

From now on you open the Map by selecting the MAP file using the Load Map from File option. The original KAP file must always be available when opening the map.

Importing a BSB Chart CD

This option allows you to import all the BSB Charts from a CD but can also Import BSB Charts which have been copied to a Hard Disk.

Select the Import Map/All BSB Charts from CD Option on the File Menu.

Press the button at the right hand end of the Image File Path field (or enter the Image File Path directly into the field).

Select the path (directory) by browsing the disks.

Press the Import button, the maps will be imported.

The new map files are created in the Map File Path you have specified in the import dialog.

At the end of the process the number of maps successfully imported (and not imported if any) will be displayed.

The maps are now ready to use, simply open the map you want to view using the OziExplorer Load Map menu option.


Shift datum - Some BSB charts have been georeferenced based on the WGS84 or NAD83 datum even though the source chart (image) is based on another datum. When this is done the calibration is correct but the positions displayed do not agree with the grid shown on the map as this grid is based on the original source map datum. The Shift Datum option allows you to change the georeferencing back to the original source map datum. You cannot choose just any datum, it must be datum the chart was originally produced in.

Examples - Charts produced by NDI (Canada) have been georeferenced to NAD83 but the source datum may have been NAD27 Canada Mean (or similar). BSB topographic maps produced by Maptrax (Australia) have been georeferenced to WGS84 but the source datum may have been Aust geodetic 1966.

Conditions - Not all charts can have the datum shifted.

   NDI charts where the source datum is NAD83 or WGS84 will not be shifted, even if you specify a Shift datum.

   Any chart must be georeferenced in NAD83 or WGS84 within the BSB file before it will be shifted. Charts must meet these conditions before they will have the datum shifted even if you do specify a Shift Datum.


Some BSB charts use datums which OziExplorer doesn't support, when this happens OziExplorer will set the Map Datum to "Auto Shift ....." and handle the datum conversions internally. Do not alter this setting as this could cause the calibration to be incorrect.

Any BSB charts which are imported will have the calibration locked, this means you cannot adjust the calibration points or corner markers manually. I have had to do this because BSB charts carry the calibration equations within the header of the chart so adjusting the calibration points will not alter this, the older charts do not have the equations but may have more calibration points than you are allowed to adjust manually so again there is no point adjusting only some.

BSB charts can have an unlimited number of calibration points, OziExplorer only uses the first 30 it finds, this limitation only applies to version 1 charts as version 2 charts have the calibration equations supplied.

The corner markers cannot be adjusted because there may be more than are allowed to be manually adjusted, the corner markers are set from the BSB file header.

[ содержание ]

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007