Медицинский справочник туриста А. А. Коструб
Форматы файлов данных OziExplorer
Думается, если сюда кто и полезет, то врядли настолько НЕ владеющий английским техническим. А потому и переводить без смысла.
Waypoint File (.wpt)
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each waypoint
Line 3 : Reserved for future use
Line 4 : GPS Symbol set - not used yet
Waypoint data
- One line per waypoint
- each field separated by a comma
- comma's not allowed in text fields, character 209 can be used instead and a comma will
be substituted.
- non essiential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used
(example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
- Any number of the last fields in a data line need not be included at all not even the
Field 1 : Number - this is the location in the array (max 1000), must be unique,
usually start at 1 and increment. Can be set to -1 (minus 1) and the number will be auto
Field 2 : Name - the waypoint name, use the correct length name to suit the GPS type.
Field 3 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 4 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 5 : Date - see Date Format below, if blank a preset date will be used
Field 6 : Symbol - 0 to number of symbols in GPS
Field 7 : Status - always set to 1
Field 8 : Map Display Format
Field 9 : Foreground Color (RGB value)
Field 10 : Background Color (RGB value)
Field 11 : Description (max 40), no commas
Field 12 : Pointer Direction
Field 13 : Garmin Display Format
Field 14 : Proximity Distance - 0 is off any other number is valid
Field 15 : Altitude - in feet (-777 if not valid)
Field 16 : Font Size - in points
Field 17 : Font Style - 0 is normal, 1 is bold.
Field 18 : Symbol Size - 17 is normal size
This is the record structure of a waypoint variable used within OziExplorer
WayPoints = record
Event File (.evt)
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each event
Line 3 : Reserved for future use
Line 4 : Reserved for future use
Event data
- One line per event
- each field separated by a comma
- non essiential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used
(example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
Field 1 : Number - this is the location in the array (max 1000), must be unique,
usually start at 1 and increment.
Field 2 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 3 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 4 : Symbol - 0 to number of symbols in GPS
Field 5 : Map Display Format - not yet used, set to 0
Field 6 : Foreground Color (RGB value)
Field 7 : Background Color (RGB value)
Field 8 : Symbol Size - 17 is normal size
This is the record structure of an event variable used within OziExplorer
Events = record
Track File (.plt)
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each trackpoint
Line 3 : "Altitude is in feet" - just a reminder that the altitude is
always stored in feet
Line 4 : Reserved for future use
Line 5 : multiple fields as below
Field 1 : always zero (0)
Field 2 : width of track plot line on screen - 1 or 2 are usually the best
Field 3 : track color (RGB)
Field 4 : track description (no commas allowed)
Field 5 : track skip value - reduces number of track points plotted, usually set to 1
Field 6 : track type - 0 = normal , 10 = closed polygon , 20 = Alarm Zone
Field 7 : track fill style - 0 =bsSolid; 1 =bsClear; 2 =bsBdiagonal; 3 =bsFdiagonal; 4
5 =bsDiagCross; 6 =bsHorizontal; 7 =bsVertical;
Field 8 : track fill color (RGB)
Line 6 : Number of track points in the track, will be recalculated when reading
Trackpoint data
- One line per trackpoint
- each field separated by a comma
- non essiential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used
(example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
Field 1 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 2 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 3 : Code - 0 if normal, 1 if break in track line
Field 4 : Altitude in feet (-777 if not valid)
Field 5 : Date - see Date Format below, if blank a preset date will be used
Field 6 : Date as a string
Field 7 : Time as a string
Note that OziExplorer reads the Date/Time from field 5, the date and time in fields 6
& 7 are ignored.
-27.350436, 153.055540,1,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
-27.348610, 153.055867,0,-777,36169.6307194, 09-Jan-99, 3:08:14
This is the record structure of an trackpoint variable used within OziExplorer
TrackRecord = record
Point File (.pnt)
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each point
Line 3 : Reserved for future use
Line 4 : Reserved for future use
Line 5 : multiple fields as below
Field 1 : point set fore color (RGB)
Field 2 : point set back color (RGB)
Field 3 : point set size
Field 4 : point set font size
Field 5 : point set format
Field 6 : point set style
Field 7 : point set description (no commas)
Point data
- One line per point
- each field separated by a comma
- non essiential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used
(example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
Field 1 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 2 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 3 : rotation angle
Field 4 : point name
Field 5 : description 1 (no commas)
Field 6 : description 2 (no commas)
Field 7 : description 3 (no commas)
Route File (.rte)
Line 1 : File type and version information
Line 2 : Geodetic Datum used for the Lat/Lon positions for each waypoint in the
Line 3 : Reserved for future use
Line 4 : Reserved for future use
Route data
- One line per route followed by each waypoint in the route
- each field separated by a comma
- comma's not allowed in text fields, character 209 can be used instead and a comma will
be substituted.
- non essiential fields need not be entered but comma separators must still be used
(example ,,)
defaults will be used for empty fields
- Any number of the last fields in a data line need not be included at all not even the
Route Record
Field 1 : R - indicating route details
Field 2 : Number - this is the location in the array, must be unique, usually start at 0
for Garmins 1 for other and increment.
Field 3 : Name - the waypoint name, use the correct length name to suit the GPS type.
Field 4 : Description.
Field 5 : Route Color as displayed on map (RGB).
Route Waypoint Record
Field 1 : W - indicating route waypoint details.
Field 2 : Route Number - location in array of routes
Field 3 : Number - this is the location in the array of route waypoints, this
field is now ignored.
Field 4 : Wp Number - this is the number of the waypoint (the Wp number within the GPS for
Field 5 : Name - the waypoint name, use the correct length name to suit the GPS type.
Field 6 : Latitude - decimal degrees.
Field 7 : Longitude - decimal degrees.
Field 8 : Date - see Date Format below, if blank a preset date will be used
Field 9 : Symbol - 0 to number of symbols in GPS
Field 10 : Status - always set to 1
Field 11 : Map Display Format
Field 12 : Foreground Color (RGB value)
Field 13 : Background Color (RGB value)
Field 14 : Description (max 40), no commas
Field 15 : Pointer Direction
Field 16 : Garmin Display Format
While all the waypoint details are stored with each route it is always the waypoints
loaded on the map which have priority, in other words if a waypoint on the map has the
same name and/or array number location as a waypoint in a route loaded from a route
file the waypoint on the map could replace the waypoint currently loaded from the route
record. This occurs when the user presses the relink waypoints button on the Route Editor.
This is the record structure of a route variable used within OziExplorer
RouteRecord = record
Wp:array[1..MaxWpRoute] of RouteWpRecord;
This is the record structure of a route waypoint variable used within OziExplorer
RouteWpRecord = record
Date Format
Delphi stores date and time values in the TDateTime type. The integral part of a
TDateTime value is the number of days that have passed since 12/30/1899. The fractional
part of a TDateTime value is the time of day.
Following are some examples of TDateTime values and their corresponding dates and
0 - 12/30/1899 12:00 am
2.75 - 1/1/1900 6:00 pm
-1.25 - 12/29/1899 6:00 am
35065 - 1/1/1996 12:00 am
Map File Format
In the text below the lines in the map file are marked with a dot.
The lines in green are optional
The Map File
The lines are in the order they are in the map file.
Header and Version of File
- OziExplorer Map Data File Version 2.1
Title of Map - any text string
Link to map image file
- D:\OziMaps\regional\south.ozf2
Redundant - ignore whats in the line but the line must be there
Datum settings
- WGS 84,, 0.0000, 0.0000,WGS 84
Reserved fields, the lines must be there
Magnetic Variation entry - degrees,minutes
Map Projection
- Map Projection,Lambert Conformal Conic,PolyCal,No,AutoCalOnly,No,BSBUseWPX,Yes
Calibration points, there are always 30
- Point01,xy, 494, 235,in, deg, 24, 0,S, 148, 0,E, grid, , , ,S
- Point02,xy, 4076, 238,in, deg, 24, 0,S, 154, 0,E, grid, , , ,S
- Point03,xy, 4011, 2854,in, deg, 28, 0,S, 154, 0,E, grid, , , ,S
- Point04,xy, 550, 2851,in, deg, 28, 0,S, 148, 0,E, grid, , , ,S
- Point05,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,S, , ,E, grid, , , ,S
- Point06,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,S, , ,E, grid, , , ,S
- ...
- Point30,xy, , ,in, deg, , ,N, , ,W, grid, , , ,N
Projection setup parmeters, all on one line.
- Projection Setup, 0.000000000, 152.000000000, 1.000000000, 2500000.00, 100000.00,
-24.666667000, -27.333333000,,,
A marker line, it contains no information but is used as a file marker, must be there
- Map Feature = MF ; Map Comment = MC These follow if they exist
Map Features, there are 3 lines per feature
Line 1 -
Line 2 - the link to the picture, if there is no picture a blank line must be there
Line 3 - the description of the feature, if no description the blank line must be there
- MF, 1,MF 1 , -26.557302, 152.679007, 0, 16777215, 16711680, ,1,MF1
- c:\pictures\photo5.jpg
- This is a good camping spot
- MF, 2,MF 7 , -26.713354, 153.249176, 0, 16777215,
16711680,Asterisk.bmp ,1,MF7
Map Comments, there are 2 lines per comment
Line 1 -
Line 2 - The text for the comment
- MC, 1, -26.572626, 152.512726, 0, 0, 65280, 68,20,6,0
- Map Comment 1
- MC, 2, -26.661532, 152.633450, 0, 0, 13158342, 182,82,13,1
- Map Comment 2 This is a large map comment
- MC, 3, -26.659946, 152.634492, 0, 0, 13158342, 182,82,13,1
- Map Comment 3
Attached file marker, .plt, .wpt, .evt, .pnt files can be
- Track File = TF These follow if they exist
The attached files
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\000_2.plt
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\aa_demo1.plt
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\000_test.plt
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\001_test.plt
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\aaa.pnt
- TF,e:\GpsMap\Data\names.pnt
The Moving Map section marker
- Moving Map Parameters = MM? These follow if they exist
Use in Moving Map, if this parameter is set to No then the map will be excluded when
looking for a new map to change to when using moving map mode. It does not affect other
map find functions.
Number of Map border points
Only 4 points can be set graphically in OziExplorer but up to 100 points can be used when
derived from other sources, such as importing BSB charts.
The x,y pixel location of each border point, there must be an entry for each border
Thes are use by OziExplorer as the map loads to determine the map border points.
- MMPXY,1,494,234
- MMPXY,2,4076,238
- MMPXY,3,4012,2855
- MMPXY,4,549,2852
The lat,lon position of each border point, there must be an entry for each border
These values are used in the map find and moving map functions when looking for maps.
These values will be overwritten by the calculated value from the above x,y points every
time the map is saved.
- MMPLL,1, 147.999332, -23.998496
- MMPLL,2, 154.000701, -23.999946
- MMPLL,3, 154.001025, -28.001546
- MMPLL,4, 147.998983, -28.001469
The scale of the image meters/pixel
It is calculated each time OziExplorer is run, the value in the file is used when
searching for maps of "more detailed" scale.
The lat/lon grid setup
- LL Grid Setup
- LLGRID,No,10 Min,Yes,8421504,255,16711935,10
The Other grid setup
- Other Grid Setup
- GRGRID,No,10 Km,Yes,255,16711680,10
The position the map will display when it is opened
- MOP,Map Open Position,3008,2324
The map image width and height
- IWH,Map Image Width/Height,4440,3590
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