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[ содержание ]

Importing ESRI Shape Files

Shape files are a format developed by ESRI and used in ArcInfo and other GIS packages.

see also Shape File Import/Export Options  Exporting to ESRI Shape Files

Conditions and Limitations

Points, polylines and polygons can be imported.

The format of the positions stored in the shape file must be know and specified in the Options dialog during the import process. Failure to use the correct position will give incorrect data.

The position formats supported are Lat/Lon, UTM, Albers projection and the New Zealand grid.

If the positions are in UTM then the UTM Zone of the positions must be known and specified in the Options dialog during the import process. Failure to specify the correct zone will give incorrect data.

The datum used for the positions must also be known and specified in the options dialog during the import process. Failure to specify the correct datum will give incorrect data.

Importing Points

wShapeFilePoints.gif (2585 bytes)


Only if On Map - The point will only be kept if they are positioned on the currently loaded map.


  • Waypoints - Import the points as Waypoints - Note that OziExplorer has a maximum limit of 1000 waypoints, however this number will be reduced to the number you have specified for your GPS in configuration. It is not advisable to load large shape files as waypoints.

  • Points - Import the points as points - OziExplorer has an unlimited number of points (until your system runs out of resources).


  • Replace - replaces the currently loaded waypoints or points with these new ones.

  • Append to Existing - appends these new ones to those already loaded.


wPShapeFileAttributes.gif (1598 bytes)

During importing the above dialog is presented. To use this dialog you need to know somwthing about the data you are importing. You can select a DBF field as a Name Field and the named stored in the record is used as the name of the imported point or waypoint.

If you imported the points as points then use the point control to manipulate them.

Importing Polylines or Polygons

wShapeFileTrack.gif (2763 bytes)


Track No - The number of the OziExplorer track to use, there are 75 tracks available (1 to 75).

Track Color - The color to use for the track.

Track Width - The width to make the track line.


wShapeFileAttributes.gif (1926 bytes)

During importing the above dialog is presented. To use this dialog you need to know somwthing about the data you are importing. You can select a DBF field as a Type Field and a new track will be created each time the Type Field contents change. The Description Field is used as the description of the new track.

After importing a polyline or polygon to a track use the track control to manipulate it.

[ содержание ]

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007