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Пещера Кристальная
Зимний поход в Крым - 2006




Азбука одноверевочной техники Петко Недков
Занимательная спелеология В. Н. Дублянский
Что важно знать о спелеологической веревке Ю.С.Косоруков
Методика описания пещер
Перечень классифицированных пещер на территории СНГ
Азбука спелеолога (pdf)
Моя жизнь под землей. Норбер Кастере
Один в глубинах Земли. Мишель Сифр
В безднах Земли. Мишель Сифр
Алан Уэрайлд "Вертикаль" - перевод Константин Серафимов


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Л. Н. Скрягин "Морские узлы"
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Туризм и спортивное ориентирование

 Питание и медицина:

Медицинский справочник туриста А. А. Коструб
Питание в туристском походе
Питание для выносливости Э.Колеман


 Горные лыжи:

Самоучитель горнолыжника Ж.Жубер
Карвинг - эволюция или революция в горных лыжах? Ж.Жубер
Лыжи и лыжники
Лыжи бугров. Методическое руководство для инструкторов


Психологический климат туристской группы. Линчевский Э.Э.
Карманный справочник туриста. Штюрмер Ю. А.
Туристу о географических названиях. Поспелов Е. М.
Словарь активного туриста

 Песни которые мы поем:

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Спелео анекдоты


OziExplorer API

Думается, сюда тем более не полезет никто НЕ владеющий английским техническим. А потому и переводить без смысла.

(Application Programming Interface)

Its more of a controlling interface, the API provides methods for other programs to control many actions of OziExplorer.

The API uses a combination of Windows Messaging the Clipboard and Files to send and receive messages and data.


Strings being sent to OziExplorer must be placed on the clipboard.
If there is more than 1 parameter in the string then a TAB (chr 9) is used to delimit the fields.

Action Parameters to OziExplorer Parameters from OziExplorer
1 Quit nil nil
10 Hide Toolbar nil nil
11 Show Toolbar nil nil
50 Get the Path of the OziExplorer EXE file nil From OziExplorer to Clipboard
Parameter - Exe Path as a String
101 Load a Map From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter - Full Path and name of Map file
102 Save the Map From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter - Full Path and name of Map file.
If name is empty then the map is saved using its current name.
If the name is not empty then the map is saved as the name.
110 Load a Waypoint file From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter - Full Path and name of Waypoint file
114 Clear Waypoints nil nil
120 Load a Track File From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Track Number
Parameter 2 - Full Path and name of Track File
122 Clear all Tracks nil nil
124 Clear specified Track From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Track Number
126 Change Track Color From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Track Number
Parameter 2 - Color Value
Moving Map
201 Send Moving Map position from OziExplorer using a file.
(see also Message Number 205)
nil From OziExplorer to file message2.dat
Line 1 - latitude (position in WGS 84 datum)
Line 2 - longitude
Line 3 - speed (knots)
Line 4 - Heading
Line 5 - Magnetic Variation
202 Get NMEA sentence from the Clipboard (see Message Number 212) From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - The NMEA message.
RMC, GGA, GLL, VTG messages are processed in the same manner as those from the GPS.
203 Get NMEA sentence from a File (see Message Number 213) From File (mmfile.dat) to OziExplorer
Line 1 - The NMEA message.
RMC, GGA, GLL, VTG messages are processed in the same manner as those from the GPS.
205 Send Moving Map position from OziExplorer using the Clipboard nil From OziExplorer to clipboard
Parameter 1 - latitude (position in WGS 84 datum)
Parameter 2 - longitude
Parameter 3 - speed (knots)
Parameter 4 - Heading
Parameter 5 - Magnetic Variation
210 Stop NMEA Communication nil nil
211 Start NMEA Communication nil nil
212 Start NMEA Communication but use the NMEA messages from the clipboard nil nil
213 Start NMEA Communication but use the NMEA messages from a file called mmfile.dat nil nil
220 Navigate to a Waypoint From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Waypoint Number
225 Cancel Navigation nil nil
Distance and Bearing
311 Distance and Bearing between 2 positions
From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - latitude1
Parameter 2 - longitude 1
Parameter 3 - latitude 2
Parameter 4 - longitude 2
From OziExplorer to Clipboard

Parameter 1 - Distance in meters
Parameter 2 - Bearing in degrees

312 Distance and Bearing between GPS position and Waypoint (name) From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Name of waypoint

The waypoint must be loaded in OziExplorer.

From OziExplorer to Clipboard

Parameter 1 - Distance in meters
Parameter 2 - Bearing in degrees

313 Distance and bearing between 2 waypoints From Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - Name of 1st waypoint
Parameter 2 - Name of 2nd waypont

The waypoints must be loaded in OziExplorer.

From OziExplorer to Clipboard

Parameter 1 - Distance in meters
Parameter 2 - Bearing in degrees

314 Distance and Bearing between GPS position and Active waypoint (the waypoint being navigated to). nil From OziExplorer to Clipboard

Parameter 1 - Distance in meters
Parameter 2 - Bearing in degrees

350 Start Oedometer 1 nil nil
351 Stop Oedometer 1 nil nil
352 Reset Oedometer 1 to zero nil nil
353 Set Oedometer 1 to a value Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - value in meters
354 Oedometer 1 count up nil nil
355 Oedometer 1 count down nil nil
360 Start Oedometer 2 nil nil
361 Stop Oedometer 2 nil nil
362 Reset Oedometer 2 to zero nil nil
363 Set Oedometer 2 to a value Clipboard to OziExplorer
Parameter 1 - value in meters
364 Oedometer 2 count up nil nil
365 Oedometer 2 count down nil nl
369 Read Oedometers 1 and 2 nil OziExplorer to clipboard
Parameter 1 - Oedometer 1 reading
Parameter 2 - Oedometer 2 reading

How does it Work

When OziExplorer starts it registers a windows message number with Windows, this allows OziExplorer to receive windows messages which are specifically for it.

(Delphi code)

The controlling program registers the same message as it starts

OziMessage = RegisterWindowMessage("OziExplorer")
(VB code)

It doesn't matter which program registers the name first Windows will always return the same message number.

The controlling program needs to find the OziExplorer main window

(VB code)

Dim hwnd1 As Long
hwnd1 = FindWindow("TfmMainform", vbNullString)
If hwnd1 = 0 Then
   Showmessage ("Please Start OziExplorer")
   Exit Sub
End If

To get OziExplorer to perform an action a Windows message is sent

m1 is the message number from the table above

Sub Send2Ozi(m1, m2)
  Dim hwnd1 As Long
  Dim result As Boolean
  'OziMessage is a global variable
  ' This procedure sends a message to Ozi in the
  ' windows message queue
  hwnd1 = FindWindow("TfmMainform", vbNullString)
  result = PostMessage(hwnd1, OziMessage, m1, m2)
End Sub

This is a complete action
1. Put the required parameter in the clipboard
2. Send a message to OziExplorer to perform the action

(VB code)

The parameter(s) have been placed in string s

'clear the clipboard
'add CRLF to the end of the string
s = s & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
'put it on the clipboard
Clipboard.SetText s
'send the message to tell OziExplorer the clipboard is ready
Send2Ozi 202, 0

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007