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[ содержание ]

OziMC Help Contents


The Lowrance MapCreate software must be installed first and you have most likely already done this, but it must not be running.

Step 1

If you are reading this document you must have succeeded in installing CreateOziMC so step 1 is complete.

Step 2

For OziMC to function it must make copies of some of the Lowrance MapCreate data files and create blank data files where it stores it map feature data and also make additions to the Lowrance MapCreate data files.

There is no way it can destroy your MapCreate CDROM. If things go wrong the Lowrance MapCreate software can be deleted from the hard drive and reinstalled from the CDROM.

A program called CreateOziMC has been supplied :

This will

  • Scan the MapCreate CDROM and copy the directory structure of the map files for the selected regions. Some files will be copied from the CDROM to your hard drive and other new files will be created.

  • Add Map Library files to the res directory of the Lowrance MapCreate software which you have already installed on the hard drive.

World Maps

World Regions - In order to reduce the amount of data which must be created/copied you need to select the regions of the world you need. The regions are shown on the map as red rectangles. Clicking within a rectangle will tick the corresponding checkbox above, to remove the region from the selection unclick the checkbox manually. It is ok to select as many regions as you need, but the more regions selected means the more data files are created. As an example selecting all regions will try to copy all the data from the CDROM. Selecting 5 to 10 regions covers a large area and the amount of data created is not excessive so you can use this as a guide.

For each region selected CreateOziMC will create the necessary data files for that region and this will allow you to create and edit the data within the selected regions. You cannot edit data in regions not selected when you pressed the "Start" button.

If you need to add a new region at a later time that is ok, data you have added or modified for a different region is retained. However you must specify all regions your require not just the extra region. CreateOziMC remembers what you specified last time.

The selecting of these regions does not affect the Lowrance MapCreate software, you still have access to all the world for your original map data.

USA Smart Maps

USA Regions - In order to reduce the amount of data which must be created/copied you need to select the regions of the USA you need to use. The regions are shown on the map as red rectangles. Clicking within a rectangle will tick the corresponding checkbox above, to remove the region from the selection unclick the checkbox manually. It is ok to select as many regions as you need, but the more regions selected means the more data files are created. As an example selecting all regions will try to copy all the data from the CDROM. Selecting 5 to 10 regions covers a large area of the USA and the amount of data created is not excessive so you can use this as a guide.

For each region selected CreateOziMC will create the necessary data files for that region and this will allow you to create and edit the data within the selected regions. You cannot edit data in regions not selected when you pressed the "Start" button.

If you need to add a new region at a later time that is ok, data you have added or modified for a different region is retained. However you must specify all regions your require not just the extra region. CreateOziMC remembers what you specified last time.

The selecting of these regions does not affect the Lowrance MapCreate software, you still have access to all the USA for your original map data.

General Options

OziMC Data Path - Enter the name of the Directory where you want the Map Data files to be stored. Depending on the number of Regions selected there can be a considerable number of subdirectories and files stored in this directory. I suggest you use the default c:\OziMCdata.

MapCreate Path - Enter the name or select from the list the Directory where the Lowrance MapCreate software is installed.

MapCreate CD - Enter the CDROM Drive which has the Lowrance MapCreate CD.

NOTE : The MapCreate CD must be in the Drive before you run the CreateOziMC program.

Run the program CreateOziMC.exe and specify the paths and select the regions you require. Press the Start button to perform the operation.

When finished quit the program.

Step 3

Run OziExplorer, it should detect that OziMC is installed and reconfigure itself, you should have a new menu item called MapCreate, a new button on the Tool Bar and new options on the Help Menu.

Select the OziMC Configuration option on the MapCreate menu and specify the MapCreate Software path (where you installed the Lowrance MapCreate software) and the CDROM drive..

This completes the installation.

[ содержание ]

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007