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[ содержание ]

OziMC Multi Polygon Editing

Multi polygon editing will work with your current data.

On the OziMC Dialog there are edit boxes called Cols and Rows. These allow you to specify how many polygons each side (for Cols) and top and bottom (rows) of the central polygon will be opened for editing at the same time. The central polygon is the polygon which contains the centre of the map viewing area when the edit button is pressed.

This allows much easier editing as you do not have to line up the features at the polygon boundaries. You can create new features which run across the boundaries, the software will handle the boundaries automatically when you save.

How many rows and cols do you select, this depends on the speed of your computer and how much data you have and how long you are prepared to wait for the data to be loaded.

For general editing setting the rows and cols to 2 should be adequate, but even this will open up 25 polygons at once which may be a lot of data. Setting rows and cols to 1 will open up 9 polygons which is more manageable. If you have little data at first you can open more polygons, decreasing the number as you accumulate data and speed bocomes too slow.

There may be special reasons why you want to open up numerous polygons, but not for general editing use.

The boundaries of each polygon are marked with a red and white line.

How it Works

Draw the features as though the boundaries do not exist (although you must stay within the editing area contained within the rows and cols specified). When you save, the software looks at each section between every 2 trackpoints and determines if they cut a polygon boundary, if so the track section is cut on the boundary and new trackpoints created. The next time the polygons are edited you get the data loaded in its processed form, that is, the tracks are cut at the polygon boundaries.


I know there are bugs in the code I have seen the results, but the code is quite complex and I have not been able to trace them yet.


Cannot edit across Region boundaries - adjacent polygons in different regions will not be opened.

Cannot be used for Water Bodies.

[ содержание ]

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007