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Занимательная спелеология В. Н. Дублянский
Что важно знать о спелеологической веревке Ю.С.Косоруков
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Перечень классифицированных пещер на территории СНГ
Азбука спелеолога (pdf)
Моя жизнь под землей. Норбер Кастере
Один в глубинах Земли. Мишель Сифр
В безднах Земли. Мишель Сифр
Алан Уэрайлд "Вертикаль" - перевод Константин Серафимов


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Медицинский справочник туриста А. А. Коструб
Питание в туристском походе
Питание для выносливости Э.Колеман


 Горные лыжи:

Самоучитель горнолыжника Ж.Жубер
Карвинг - эволюция или революция в горных лыжах? Ж.Жубер
Лыжи и лыжники
Лыжи бугров. Методическое руководство для инструкторов


Психологический климат туристской группы. Линчевский Э.Э.
Карманный справочник туриста. Штюрмер Ю. А.
Туристу о географических названиях. Поспелов Е. М.
Словарь активного туриста

 Песни которые мы поем:

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[ содержание ]

Registering OziMC

Once you have been supplied with the registration code you need to follow these steps.

Select the Register OziMC option on the OziExplorer Help menu.

Enter the User Name and Key Code, if entered correctly the registration will be accepted.

If only using USA Smartmaps this is all that is required, just exit OziExplorer and restart.

If you are using World Maps - Exit OziExplorer and run CreateOziMC. You need to specify the Regions and paths again, the previous ones entered should have been remembered. You can select new or remove regions if desired. When happy with the selections press the Start button. The registered version of CreateOziMC will write out additional data files for the extra Features now available.

Run OziExplorer again and press the OziMC button, you should now have many more Features available in the Feature List.

This completes the registration.

Differences between the Trial Version and the Registered Version


The trial version allows you to create new Major roads and edit the Major roads supplied. The registered version has create/edit access to all the features - Major Roads, Minor Roads, Tracks, Rivers, Political Boundaries, Railroads.

The trial version puts a random error (up to +/- 300 metres) into the features it writes for upload to the GPS. This seems a bit harsh but there were reasons I had to do this. However the error is not all that bad when you consider the original world map data may have errors to 1000 metres or more.


The trial version only allows you to create new Rural roads, it does not allow you to edit the supplied Rural roads. The registered version has create/edit access to all the features - Highways, Rural Roads, City Streets, Streams, Railroads.

The trial version puts a random error (up to +/- 150 metres) into the features it writes for upload to the GPS.

Except for these items the registered version is the same in all other aspects.

In USA Smartmaps features which cannot be edited have the word "unregistered" in the status column. However these features can be viewed by double clicking on the feature.

[ содержание ]

Статистика посещений. Разработано schum.kiev.ua
Created by last updated 07.06.2007